Toddler Sleep Training Package

If bedtimes are a battle, this ones for you…

If your toddler is suddenly fighting bedtime or waking up frequently throughout the night and refusing to go back to sleep, we’re here to help!

Our toddler sleep solution is the fool-proof answer to your bedtime woes.

Common issues we help resolve are;

  • the transition from crib to a toddler bed

  • frequent wake ups overnight

  • nap refusal

  • climbing into parent’s bed at night

  • parents are stuck lying on the floor all night

This package includes;

  • a custom written sleep plan with visual aids for your child

  • a 1-hour Zoom call to go over the plan step-by-step to answer all of your questions

  • 2 weeks of unlimited coaching between 6pm - midnight via text or call

Toddler Sleep Traing